Lemon: brighten up your health with some sweetly sour home remedies.

Lemon: brighten up your health with some sweetly sour home remedies.

The Lemon: Citrus Limon


The lovely lady lemon also known by it’s Latin name Citrus limon is what geneticist believed to be a cultivated hybrid born from the wild species of the citron and mandarin varietals. When and where this first occurred is unknown.  Current reigning theory is that the lemon was first grown in the hot semi-arid Northeastern region of India.  While may cultures the world over from Africa to China to Mesopotamia have had a relationship with this vibrant plant for centuries and contrary to what one might expect, the lemon was first mainly used as an ornamental and medicinal, not culinary plant.  In fact, the first unequivocal written record of the lemon is an Arabic treatise from the 10th century on farming describing the lemon as an ornamental plant.  It wasn’t until the 15 the century that the lemon came into full culinary use in Europe with the first major cultivation beginning in Genoa, Italy.  The nutritional value of lemon is well known but it’s remarkable medical therapeutic value has been greatly underestimated in current conventional medicine, and until now is just gaining the recognition it deserves as a formidable medicinal tool by scientific studies. The biological potential of lemon is thought to be a result of its profound chemical composition.  It has been determined that every component of the lemon is of therapeutic value from the peel, pericarp, whole fruit and essential oil to it’s seed[1][2][3][4].  The significant physiologic activity of lemon is believed to be determined by its high content of phenolic compounds, mainly flavonoids, phenolic acids, and terpenes.  The primary constituents of the essential oil are rich in bioactive terpenes such as D-limonene.  Extensive scientific literature have demonstrated that the consumption of terpenes like D-Limonene provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antinociceptive, anticancer, antidiabetic, antihyperalgesic, antiviral, and gastroprotective, antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-fungal effects making it a successful therapeutic alternative in the treatment of several diseases. [1,2,3,4]. 

 Home Remedies

 Morning Drink:

Lemon stimulates the digestive enzymes in our stomachs enhancing our body’s capability to absorb nutrients.


Drink a glass of lukewarm water with juice of ½ lemon, upon waking

Add 1tsp turmeric and a pinch of cayenne pepper (if tolerable) to increase medicinal benefits

Lemon Tea:

Lemon tea has also been known to promote relaxation and deep sleep. One cup, an hour before bedtime just might make a difference.



1 cup water

teaspoon honey

 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice



Pour water into a mug. Stir in lemon juice, mixing until honey is dissolved.


Foot Bath:

A footbath is a relaxing and economical home remedy that takes little preparation, and increases health all within a small space.



½ cup Epsom Salts

Juice of one lemon

Can use Essential Oil as well or instead of juice

1-2 gallons warm water but not hot enough to burn


Lemon for the Skin

Externally, the juice can help to dilate blood vessels in the skin, soothe sunburn, and even stop a nosebleed.  Diluted juice is easily applied with a cotton ball and can be used to soothe sunburned skin and disinfect minor wounds. It can also be used as a topical treatment for canker sores.  Lemon juice has been used for bleaching freckles and is incorporated into some facial cleansing creams.  The peel can also be rubbed into aching joints and wrapped in gauze for joint and nerve pain.  I like to rub castor oil after applying lemon peel and then wrapping.

Lemon Essential Oil:

Lemon Essential Oil is reputed and backed by research to have powerful anti-microbial activity. It can also boost energy and metabolism, uplift the mood, enhance skin quality, and disinfect surfaces. It can be used in numerous body care products ranging from skin and hair care to emotional care.

CAUTIONS. Lemon Essential Oil is photosensitive and is not to be applied to skin that will be exposed to sunlight within 12 hours.  It is highly recommended that glass bottles be used for any recipe, as citrus oils break down plastic bottles.

Nausea and Vomiting Inhaler Blend:

Anyone stricken with nausea knows how debilitating it!  By simply inhaling some lemon essential oil into the air along with ginger and sweet orange you now have a great remedy in allying these symptoms.



Lemon essential oil: (do not use with children under 6 months)

6-24 months: 10 drops            2-6 years: 5 drops

6+ years: 10 drops


Ginger essential Oil: (do not use with children under 2 years of age)

2-6 years: 10 drops     6+ years: 10 drops


Sweet Orange Essential Oil: 3- 6 months: 15 drops       6-24 months: 10 drops

                                               2-6 years: 5 drops                   6+ years: 10 drops



·       Add oils to bowl

·       Drop wick (cotton pad) or cotton ball into bowl

·       Add to inhaler and smell when symptoms of nausea occur

·       Or just smell cotton ball when symptoms of nausea occur

Flu Fighter Chest and Body Rub

(recipe found in Essential Oils for Mama and Baby by Christina Anthis)

The flu, which is caused by strains of the influenza virus is transmitted through airborne respiratory droplets can cause symptoms ranging from fever, body aches and pains to fatigue and chills lasting anywhere from 1 day to 2 weeks depending on viral strain.  Essential oils like lemon have been found to be anti-viral and anti-inflammatory and can aid in the killing of airborne pathogens as well as reducing duration of symptoms and life of the virus by enhancing immune response as well as making the person more comfortable while combating this condition.


·       Unrefined Coconut Oil: ½ cup

·       Lavender Essential Oil: Use 4 drops for children under 6 months of age

Use5 drops (6-24 months of age)

Use 10 drops for children between 2-6 of years of age

Use 15 Drops for children 6+ years of age

Lemon Essential Oil:         Same dosage as Lavender

(do NOT use on children under 6 months)

   Palmarosa Essential Oil: Use 10 drops for children 6-24 months of age

(do NOT use on children under 6 months)
 Use 15 drops for children 2-6 years of age

Use 20 drops for children 6+ years of age


In a small pot melt coconut oil over low heat

Remove from heat once melted; add oils depending on age and stir

Put into glass jar and freeze to solidify

Apply to chest, back of neck, lymph nodes on neck, and onto to soles of feet.  Store unused oil in dark location.

·        Croup Diffuser Blend:

Crop, a common childhood respiratory condition caused by a viral infection leads to inflammation within the upper airways reducing their size, causing a decreased capacity to take in oxygen, resulting in the hallmark symptom of croup-the barking cough (a nightmare sound for any parent or caregiver).  As essential oils like lemon are anti-viral and decrease inflammation using them in the arsenal to treat this condition it well indicated and assuming you use the correct dosage for the child being treated, very safe and effective.  As always check with your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment.

Ingredients: (recipe found in Essential Oils for Mama and Baby by Christina Anthis)

¾ teaspoon lemon essential oil                                ¾ teaspoon tea tree essential oil

¾ teaspoon fir needle essential oil                           1 teaspoon marjoram essential oil


Add all the essential oils into an empty dark bottle (preferably one that has a dropper) swirl to combine.

To Diffuse the Blend:

Add the recommended age appropriate amount of drops to the diffuser and diffuse throughout the room in 30 minute increments followed by 30 minutes off.

0-6 months:   2 drops                        2-6 years:      6 drops

6-24 months: 4 drops                        6+ years:       8 drops


Lemon as a cleaning agent:

This unique fruit with it’s astringent and bleaching properties make it a great cleaning agent in kitchen or anywhere in the home as it has the ability to remove hard water stains and its acidic nature allows it to even shine up old stainless and copper pans.  Just dip a lemon slice into salt and rub onto pan.


All Purpose Surface Cleaner:


1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar Or Distilled White Vinegar

1 cup Distilled Water

20 Drops Lemon Essential Oil

20 Drops Tea Tree Oil or other essential oil of preference.


Add ingredients into bottle, shake before using.

 Shining Copper and Stainless Steel Cookware:


Dip a lemon slice into salt and rub onto pan.

·        Lemon Essential Oil as a Beauty Agent:

Used in cosmetics, Lemon Essential Oil is known to provide skin with many benefits such as a complexion that looks vibrant and feels healthy and smooth. It can reduce the appearance of cellulite, and act as a tightening and toning astringent that reduces the amount of oil production in skin and hair.



Use this blend to balance the scalp’s oil production and to remove the look and feel of greasy hair.


40 drops Lemon Essential Oil

½ cup Witch Hazel

½ cup Water


1.     In a squeeze bottle, add all the ingredients.

2.     Cap the bottle and swirl it around to thoroughly blend together all ingredients.

3.     In the shower, wash oily hair as usual.

4.     After showering and while hair is still damp, apply the tonic by making a parting in the hair and rubbing the solution into the scalp with a cotton ball.

5.     Continue to make partings in the hair, and repeat the process until the entire scalp is covered in the tonic.

6.     Allow hair to air dry.


Use this blend to remove dead skin cells and to promote the look of skin that is healthy and radiant.


15 drops Lemon Essential Oil

¼ cup Virgin Coconut Oil or carrier oil of choice such as Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil

1 cup Coconut Sugar


Melt the Coconut Oil in a pan over low heat.

Add the sugar and the Lemon Essential Oil to the bowl.

Using a spoon, mix the blend thoroughly until all ingredients are combined.

With the fingers, scoop a generous amount of the scrub into the hands and massage onto wet skin, with a circular motion.

Store the scrub in a mason jar or other glass container.

This scrub can be used to exfoliate once or twice a week for smooth, glowing skin.


Use this blend to brighten the complexion.


2-3 drops Lemon Essential Oil

2 Tbsp Raw Honey

1 Tbsp Coconut Virgin Carrier Oil


In a small mixing bowl, thoroughly combine all the ingredients.

Cleanse the face, pat dry, and apply a thick coat of the mixture.

Leave on for 10 minutes.

Rinse the mask with cool water.

Pat dry.


This blend will enhance circulation of the face for a clear, rejuvenated complexion.


22-24 drops Lemon Essential Oil

½ Tbsp. Olive Carrier Oil

2-3 Tbsp Clay of choice (white, green, cosmetic, etc)


1.     In a bowl, combine all the ingredients.

2.     Using a spoon, thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until a smooth paste is formed. Ensure that the paste does not have any chunks.

3.     To use: Cleanse the face, pat dry, and apply a thick coat of the paste.

4.     Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes.

5.     Rinse the mask off with cool water.

6.     Pat dry with a soft towel.

Lemon Oil for Massage

Used in a massage, Lemon Essential Oil boosts circulation, metabolism, and digestive function. It relieves constipation and reduces blood pressure as well as cellulite. It can inhibit or soothe inflammation such as headaches and can ease the discomfort associated with arthritis.



Use this blend to stimulate circulation and smooth the appearance of dimpled skin.


20 drops Lemon Essential Oil

½ cup Carrier Oil of Choice (Olive/Safflower/Avocado/Walnut, etc)


Use this blend to invoke a sense of calm and relaxation.


40 drops Lemon Essential Oil

40 drops Lavender Essential Oil

3 drops Vitamin E Liquid

8 oz Carrier Oil (Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Apricot, Sesame, etc)


Add the essential oils to a 8 oz. dark glass dropper bottle.

Add the carrier oil to this blend.

Cap the bottle and shake it to thoroughly blend all the ingredients.

To use, add 3 droppers full of the blend into a warm running bath.

Soak in the bath for as long as desired.

Alternatively, 3 droppers full of this body oil can be applied to the body in the shower as a relaxing shower moisturizer.

Store this blend in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.


Lemon Essential Oil For Laundry

Lemon essential oil added to laundry not only boosts cleaning power, it also provides a stimulating fresh clean sent.


Bleach Alternative Formula:

This works wonders at whitening your clothes and is non toxic and ecologically friendly!


Directions: (enough for one load)

     ½ cup basic liquid formula

 (Basic Liquid Formula):

(2 ¼ cups liquid castile soap

¼ cup distilled white vinegar

1 tablespoon glycerin

¾ cup water

10-15 drops essential oil of choice)

   ¼ cup borax

·       ¼ cup lemon juice plus 6 drops lemon essential oil


Combine all ingredients in plastic jug or container of choice and add to laundry load.  For extra whitening power let clothes line dry in sun.


Lemony Fabric Softener

There’s nothing like the smell of lemons to enhance the sense of freshness



·       6 cups vinegar

·       1 cup water

·       1 cup baking soda

·       15 drops lemon essential oil



Combine all ingredients in a heavy-duty plastic container.  Add one cup to the rinse cycle for each load for truly lemon fresh clothes.


On the Spot Stain Remover:

Accidents happen, but this stain remover will make you forget the stain ever existed.



·       2 tablespoons cream of tartar

·       2 drops lemon essential oil

·       water- enough to make paste



Combine all ingredients in a small cup, using just enough water to make a paste.  Spread the paste over the stain and allow to completely dry before washing.


Lemon’s Uses Outdoors

Not just confined to the home and body lemon has an abundance of uses expanding out to the garden and more!

  • Save lemon and orange rinds to deter squirrels and cats from digging in the garden. Store rinds in the freezer during the winter, and then bury them just under the surface of the garden periodically throughout the spring and summer.

·       Lemonade, when applied to potted plants, has been found to keep their flowers fresh longer than normal.

  • A few drops of lemon juice in outdoor house-paint will keep insects away while you are painting and until the paint dries.





































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