Saffron Dessert

Saffron Dessert

Saffron is a vibrant, red, aromatic thread like spice that is derived from a small purple flower known as Crocus sativus. When we find ourselves strolling through the “Seasoning” aisle in the grocery store, the price of saffron nearly stops us in our tracks! Well, thats why many people refer to it as “red gold”, being recognized as the most costly plant in the world.

The delicate saffron threads are hand picked, taking at least 70,000 flowers just to create a pound of saffron. Used as a coloring and flavoring agent, providing carotenoids, antioxidants, and vitamins riboflavin and thiamine (B2 & B1). Just as any other herb or spice there comes health benefits. Past and recent studies show that saffron offers aid in mental health, sexual health and cardiovascular health. Contributing anticancer, anti-inflammatory components, and can regulate blood pressure.

Culinary Tips- By soaking saffron threads in warm, acidic liquids or alcohol for at least 20 minutes you will extract the exquisite flavor and health benefits. This is referred to as “blooming”. As blooming takes place the saffrons taste becomes more potent. A small pinch turns the simplest dish into something delicious, so you don’t need too much. It is recommended not to use more than three threads per person per serving.

You can add a few strands of saffron to a beverage as simple as tea. Pairs well with rice dishes such as paella and risotto. Found to be essential to the French fish and shellfish stew: bouillabaisse. Even being recommended to use saffron in different treats such as cakes, pastries, and cookies. Giving a buttery golden hue. The possibilities are endless!

Follow the recipe below and you wont be disappointed!

Carrot Payasam


  • 5-6 strands saffron 

  • 4-5 green car admin seeds

  • 1 Tbs rice (white or brown)

  • 8-10 almonds 

  • 1 cup grated carrots 

  • 1/2 liter milk

  • 1/4 cup jaggery sugar (or brown sugar)

  • 1 tap raisins or other dried fruits to taste


  • Warm 1/4 cup milk and stir in saffron. Set aside.

  • Remove the dark seeds from the green cardamom pods.

  • Soak the rice, almonds in Cardiman seeds in water for 20 minutes.

  • Straine rice mixture, placed into a smile face grinder in process until it becomes a paste.

  • Parboil the carrots with a little milk.

  • When carrots are bright and starting to soften, add the rice paste and sugar and cook for 5 more minutes.

  • Add the soap saffron and remove from heat. Pour the carrot mixture into a blender and process until smooth.

  • Add more milk until you reach desired consistency. 

  • Place in a bowl, garnish with dried fruits, and serve.

Mia Martinek, N.C.

Recipe provided by Spice for Life (Bauman & Moorthy, 2020).

Murray, M. & Pizzorno, J. (2005). The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. New York. NY: Atria Books.

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